My name is Alx.
My current endpoint where you can see servlets in action is
These are my current projects :
ACRIO - Advanced Class Reflection IO System
- Goals
- Produce a program capable of identifying a wide range of file types.
- Core competencies
- Can read start headers of Landsat and SPOT data files.
- Tasks
XDI - XML Directory Interface
- Goals
- Produce a directory scanner and digester that stores MD5, SHA and CRC32 data.
- Core competencies
- Can process any directory path recursively, generating xdi/xml files
for all subdirectories and files including SHA, MD5, CRC32 and Adler32
digests and directory references.
- Tasks
- Disable root directory to enable CD-ROMs to be scanned regardless of drive.
- Change FileInfo and DirectoryInfo classes to report their own data.
XDBI - XML Database Islands
- Goals
- To produce an XML processor that generates class files for data items
specified in a generic database development DTD.
- Core competencies
- Basic outline for data island xml file exists.
- Tasks
- Create program that can read in the data-island spec into a tree.
GymnML - Gymnastics Markup Language
- Goals
- Create an XSLT system capable of generating HTML gymnastics biography
information from XML files.
- Core competencies
- Tasks
- Update XSL file to a new improved look and feel.
GJAL - Generic Java Algebra Library
- Goals
- Create an API for describing algebraic structures including axioms and
expression rules.
- Core competencies
- Skeleton hierarchy of major algebraic structures up to Fields and
- Type parameters compile correctly; can create useable Real and Integer
scalar classes based on hierarchy.
- Tasks
- Implement Reals as extension of Lattice and ArchimedianField
- Encode sup and inf rules into ordered sets and extensions.
CJOP ("chop") - C++ Java Orthogonalization Project
- Goals
- Produce a compiler/translator for Java that produces ANSI C++
files using namespaces, exceptions, pointer translation and
control structures.
- Core competencies
- Can produce uncompilable C++ files from
Java containing pointer translations,
class declaration, and throws clauses.
- Tasks
- Generate correct namespaces, imports/includes statements, translate
array variable uses to C++ pointer arithmetic.
- Test translator on large collection of java class specs.
GJIL - Generic Java Imaging Library
- Goals
- Produce API capable of performing FFT, Haar and other non-linear
image operators
- Core competencies
- Basic hierarchy up to IntegerImageImplementor exists.
- Tasks
- Continue changing basis of containment from scalar types to Pixel types.